The Australian Institute for the Achievement of Human Potential
Rescuing Brain Injured Children Around The World
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The Process
The First Step
The first step for a parent who is interested in commencing a home-based program is to read the book "Rescuing Brain Injured Children" by Keith Pennock (this book can be purchased by contacting us).

"Rescuing Brain Injured Children" documents Keith's work through the years of working with his own daughter, Alison, to his directing of the British Institute for Brain Injured Children and his work with Brain-Net. It explains how and why brain injury can be treated by outlining the specialised techniques and theories that Brain-Net and the Australian Institute use to help improve the development of brain injured children.

"Every family with a brain injured child should read this book" - John Cleese

"At last! - A book whick destroys the myth that brain injurd children cannot develop" - Ann Diamond

After this, any family requesting to have their child on a program is forwarded an initial evaluation history form to be filled out and sent back to the institute.

Initial Evaluation (within Australia)
When parents indicate that they wish to have a program set for their child, an initial evaluation appointment will be made. This will take place at the home of the child (where possible), as the environment and security plays a major part of the child's performance on the day. The initial asessment will go over three days.

The first day will be spent assessing the child and taking the development history. The second day will be spent teaching the family the theory and method of the techniques. On the third day, the program is then set. The child's program will be highly specialised to his or her present development and funcitonal ability. The program is to be carried out daily by the family and as many friends, neighbors and volunteers as required.

Parents are encouraged to ask as many questions as needed over the two-day initial evaluation. As clinicians, we will not leave until all questions from the family have been answered.

Re-evaluations (within Australia)
After carrying out the full program with the child for five months (within Australia; six months overseas) a re-evaluation will take place once again at the home of the child ( again, where possible). when the abilities of the child are thoroughly evaluated and noted, the program is up-dated in view of the improvements that have taken place. The parents are then taught any new techniques relevant to the child's progress at that time. Re-evaluations are then arranged at five-monthly intervals.

Initial and Re-evaluations (outside Australia)
Initial and re-evaluations outside of Australia are either conducted in the family's home or in a designated location. The number of days spent with the families for an initial and re-evaluation when conducted in a country outside Australia may vary slightly. Re-evaluations in countries outside of Australia are conducted every six months. It is a requirement of the families of these children to submit a monthly report on their child's progress.

The Institute can only give three reasonable guarantees to parents:
1. A lot of hard work
2. More positive objective for their child than that which may have been given in the past.
3. Continuous support for as long as parents require it.

Contact us for further information:
Phone: +61 3 9787 1246

Rescuing brain injured children from around the world
Support for families with children that have brain injuries

Brain injury therapy and treatment
Brain-injured children - Brain injury treatments -
Book - "Rescuing Brain Injured Children" by Keith Pennock
British Institute for Brain Injured Children - Brain-Net 
Mt Eliza - Melbourne - Victoria - Australia
United States - Canada - New Zealand - Asia - USA - United Kingdom 

The Australian Institute for the Achievement of Human Potential is an organisation devoted to improving the quality of life for brain-injured children. The AIAHP works with children by teaching their parents about brain injury and how to enhance the development of their child through the practice of specialised techniques.

The institute also provides ongoing support to families to enable them to help their children to overcome the disabilities limiting their potential.

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